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Local Community - The new currency

• Local community is the key to surviving any crisis, from natural disasters through to economic crisis.

• In times of uncertainty it is especially important to build up the strength of your local community. Now is the time to invest in your community, and help your neighbours any way you can. The community will be there for you in the future if you need their help.

• Community can take many forms, from rural village communities to high rise city apartment blocks. In urban environments more effort is required to build strong communities. Residents often come and go without speaking with neighbours. With planning and effort it is possible to build strong and supportive communities in any environment. Community strength is enhanced through organising events and meetings, and working together on common projects and problems.

• TheGreatCrash.com is formulating a community organisation action plan, a step by step guide for how to organise local survival communities. This guide will be published as soon as possible. The guide will include details on how to organise:

- local trading
- toy and book exchanges
- communal security (neighbourhood watch etc.)
- communal edible gardens projects

• TheGreatCrash.com forum can be used to organise survival communities based on specific suburbs or towns. See the Survival Community forum here.


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